Adobe Flash Player per linux
Vediamo come installare il Flash player 9 dell’adobe in maniera molto semplice e veloce , in ambiente linux , come sempre debian like , quindi ubuntu , la stessa debian o altro , servono solo 4 (quatro) comandi per riuscire in questa operazione che in configurazioni non viene intallata in automatico
apriamo la shell e scriviamo solo le righe in rosso e basta
To install Adobe Flash Player 9 now, press ENTER.
To cancel the installation at any time, press Control-C.
NOTE: Please exit any browsers you may have running.
Press ENTER to continue…
———– Install Action Summary ———–
Adobe Flash Player 9 will be installed in the following directory:
Mozilla installation directory = /home/mmoscheni/.mozilla
Proceed with the installation? (y/n/q): y
NOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the
components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser.
Installation complete.
fine !!! semplice no?
convert this post to pdf.
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